
Submit or request data from GRIN


Why your records matter: The speed and scale of the threats facing raptors require a global monitoring effort that can keep pace with a rapidly changing world. Your records will help us keep a finger on the pulse of the world’s raptor populations while also identifying threats to raptors and the conservation actions needed. Raptors need space, and your observations will also help us measure the amount of habitat being used and left available for each species.


Access your Grin App data online

View, edit, and download your GRIN app data online. Currently, only the users who input the data and The Peregrine Fund’s researchers have access to GRIN data. Users can mark any observation as ‘confidential’ to ensure that location will not be made public. Further, if your data constitute > 10% of the data used in an analysis, you are guaranteed co-authorship in any publication resulting from that analysis. 

Log in here to access your app data

Submit data to GRIN

We are currently working to mobilize old datasets and can help with yours. Just send us an email at and let us know you’d like your data uploaded into GRIN. The Peregrine Fund will establish agreements with data owners that specify the extended use of each dataset. Users submitting data to GRIN outside of the app fill out a data sharing agreement and decide the level of sharing they wish to apply to their data sets.

Submit your data to to GRIN
Requesting Data

Request Data from GRIN

All other data requests (outside of users direct contributions) must fill out and submit a data request form to GRIN. Users who mark any observation as ‘confidential’ are ensured that their data will not be made public. Further, we do not share any data from species that are on eBird's sensitive species lists, are considered by the IUCN as a vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered species, or nest data for any species. Requests can be submitted to

Request data from GRIN
Number of researchers

Raptor Researchers

GRIN is committed to facilitating collaboration between raptor researchers. Raptor researchers who agree to share information on their research are searchable here to aid researchers in finding potential collaborators.

Researcher database