Science and Methods

Science and Methods


GRIN is a system to improve and guide the science of raptor ecology and conservation by collecting, storing, and distributing information about raptors. GRIN guides the conservation work of The Peregrine Fund and represents a commitment to science-based management of raptors. Explore some of our methods and science updates below.

Global Raptor Impact Network Science


Research Conservation Priority Index

The  Research and Conservation Priority Index (RCPI) identifies global research and conservation priorities.


Species Distributions

GRIN scientists are developing methods to estimate species ranges using many different sources of data.


Composite Population Trends

We are developing methods to combine trends across disparate monitoring programs into a single index of population change. 

Conservation assessments NA

Conservation assessment of raptors within the USA and Canada

We examine several studies and conservation databases to reveal which taxa and places are priorities for raptor conservation within the USA and Canada.

Conservation Assessments