The GRIN Smartphone App


The Global Raptor Impact Network Smartphone App is Here! Available for Android and iOS devices, the GRIN app is a free tool that allows professional and citizen scientists to collect raptor data on their mobile device. Observations including sightings, nest productivity, mortality, resightings, museum specimens, etc. can be collected using the GRIN app. Thus, raptor researchers can conduct studies directly in the field with their mobile devices, removing the need for tedious data entry once they’re home or in the office. Click below to learn more about the app's many features, o haga clic aquí para ver este video en español.


The Global Raptor Smartphone App



The best way to get data into GRIN is through the mobile app. 

Available for Android and iOS devices


Features of the GRIN app include:

  • Data upload via cellular or wifi connection
  • Secure storage in the GRIN DataBank
  • A global raptor species list that can be filtered by biological realm
  • Flexibility to collect either simple sighting records or complex survey results
  • Data export via mobile device
  • Multiple built-in survey types and automatic logging of survey effort